These are weekly presentation slides spanning over ~4 weeks of semester 1 in discord. We’re lowering the entry to robotics so everyone knows how to build one themselves.
4PM NZT @ discord
- Session 1 (Mar 15). Engineering design process. We talk about the design process and how that appli03es to robotics.
- Session 2 (Mar 22). Mechanisms. We talk about the physical components in robots and the mechanical movements in them.
- Session 3 (Mar 29). Software & Electronics. We talk about the electrical components in robots and integrating coding into mechanisms as well as CAD (Inventor/Fusion 360)
- Session 4 (Apr 5). Summary and one big scenario. We summarise the past 3 sessions into one and give an example to create discussions as a checkpoint of our knowledge base.
- Session 5 (Apr 12). We celebrate by having a big party. We talk about the struggles of robotics and argue who the most handsome character is in the blockbuster movie, Shrek. [TENTATIVE]