Introduction to Python

Published on: 20 October, 2011

Python was one of the robots that we built in the lead up to World Cup as a prototype idea, which was later dismantled in order to use the parts for the other robots.


Main Features:
Drive Train: 6-motor drive (1×393 2×269 each side), 2:1 gear ratio, 2.75″ omni-wheels and small wheels
Lift: Scissor Lift (1×393 each side), 1:7 gear ratio
Intake: Top Suckers (Star Intake) (1x 269 each side)

10 motors were used in order to keep the robot high school legal. Python was more an experimental idea than anything – we basically wanted to try out a scissor lift. However, it turned out to be a decent robot that was suited to play both interaction or isolation. The top suckers were able to pick up objects well, and the drive train offered a high degree of mobility without sacrificing torque. However, we had issues with the scissor lift working properly, mainly because we used slotted angles and bars rather than the heavy sliders. We might try again with the new, lighter sliders once we can afford them. The robot was mostly dismantled to get parts for the other robots.